Monday, November 30, 2009

i quit my job already

i quit my job already!
so friends
i am free before i go kl
hang out wif me!!

had roadshow in cs last saturday
bought clothes
100+ bucks

stayed home for the entire sunday
plainly eat, tv, sleep and games
relaxing indeed
it seems like i have never rest for very long

Friday, November 27, 2009

hair shortened

what a good looking one
qualified for a model
that's what in my thought while i look into a mirror
please don't slap me...
shorten my hair, finally!
it looks better now
so people,
stop criticizing it as a mop

right now
awaiting mr. jason to finish his dinner
coz i got no car to drive

Thursday, November 26, 2009


20th november
came back from work with excites
coz were looking forward to my kl trip!
time passed very slowly
tick tock tick tock
11 at last!!
picked up my packs and drive to mr. cw house
who knows
he said midnight bus is crasy
coz highway filled with fog in these hours
so i slept on his house sofa and wait for morning to come...

21st november
it was 5 in the morning
changed and face washed
head to larkin for 6.30 express bus
we were sleeping all the way to kl
never even realized we've reached
around 11
get some rest in mr. jason place
went pyramid and walked around aimlessly
met ms. peong and we continued our walking-around-aimlessly
had our dinner in japanese restaurant!
and went the apartment nearby the curve
a very good place with comfy seats and relaxing environment
awaiting sara to upload pics...

22nd november
woke up quite late
around 12 i think
had lunch in pan mee restaurant
ALOT of pan mee restaurants in kl
wonder why jb so few
met mr. jonathan and ms. michelle
went bangsar village together!
and had our high tea in mango mania
can tell from the name
everything made will be mixed with mango...
so do my fish and chips sauce
went back jb afterward
reached jb around 11 night

23rd november

after work
went big mouth ktv AGAIN
yea, again
it has became my weekly entertainment already
with ms. ht and ms. xy as usual
had mcd afterward as usual
reached home around 4 as usual...

24th november

had dinner with buds
got back my phone!
miss it alot
had few dotas in ks jj with em'

had mcd with ms. debby after work
still owe her 78 mcds...
(-, -")

at night,
went cabana of course
had coronas with lemons!


after work,
too rush for a hair cut
wasted my half an hour waiting in the saloon...
played basketball with buds
mr. jason and mr. cw
freaking tired right now
gonna sleep earlier
sorry ms. ht for not accompanying you

Thursday, November 19, 2009


just came back from basketball with ma buds
mr. monkey and mr. cw
went mamak for supper

they drove to larkin for bus ticket booking
it's because...
we are going kl tomorrow night!

last night cabana
ms. debby, ms. fatfat and mr. monkey came!
they are rare guests sia
too bad no place for em'
have to join others
well they went back early
but i stayed till 3 as usual...
(-, -")

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

big mouth

just got home from work
freaking tired

last night went 大嘴叭
with ms. ht and ms. xy
first time been there
it's a good place actually
just that a bit too far from my house
most importantly
the prices are cheap!
some more
with no ++ charges
will go again for sure!

had mcd after that
reached home around 3...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

lame movie

last night watched phobia 2
with ms. debby, ms, meishan and mr. ljj
i recommend NOT to waste your money
and time as well...
becoz this movie is freaking lame
especially the last part
what sort of scene also got
even zombies from resident evil...
what the heck
i thought it supposed to be a ghost movie
someone scratched my arm!
during watching
she almost rip up my jacket!
owe me one mcd i dun care

had 'luk luk' before reaching jusco
ate a super duper spicy fried ham...
made my face and tongue all numb
(-, -")

looking forward to ktv session tonight
and kl trip on fri!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

my sunday

with ms. ht yesterday
in cs
plainly walk around
and eat
then headed to a new ktv called D'Va
somewhere nearby my house
with mr. ccy, ms. peggy and ms. ymy
me and ccy did all of the singing
and the rest just plainly sitting...
not bad la actually
was just feeling thirsty with no drinks provided!
have to order ourselves
we were supposed to watch 2012
all of the tickets for that day have been sold out completly
neither cs nor leisure mall with tickets available
everyone seems interested in what will be happening in year 2012...

gonna shorten my hair today
feel like dyeing my hair browner

think i should get back to work

Sunday, November 15, 2009

whatever, anything

watched怪谈at home
(=, = ')

had fun in cabana!
reached home around 4 i guess...
(=, = ")

walked around in cs
with ms. ht, ms. xy and mr. sc!
went upstairs dolce for pool games
had mcd with gurls before sending em home!
very far actually...
got home around 4 again...
(=, =''')

went steph bday party!
i was late but not entirely late
since people keep showing up after me
i knocked someone's car while leaving
and i caused 2 cars behind knocked each other as well
what the heck
damn freaking suey
totally spoiled my mood to sing k
went home straight away
another tiring day
(=, ='''')

went dream story wif ms. debby
had the same dish i always order
blah blah fried rice and taiwan milktea
was decided to sing k afterward
went jusco after jason joined us
who knows
ktv session only available until 1
how sad
movie we wanted to watch already sold out
another disappointment
went home after supper in v&o
ended up blogging right now...
(=, =''''')

days of energy consuming and money spending
exhausted in physically as well as mentally
gonna have a good rest tonight
since tomorrow it's sunday!
can sleep long long at last
was quite frustrated due to those failure days
phone rosak, car banged and got fined rm100 for blocking fire hydrant

boss gave offer letter already
can't resign anytime i want anymore
due to 2 months notification
i would not sign the paper
so have to make move fast!
good luck

Monday, November 9, 2009


days neva blog
kinda tired plus lassy
boring days
keep hanging out yamcha or whatever
nothing much special happened

watched poker king last sat!
with miss debby
quite a nice movie lah actually
pretty plus cute stephy tang!
i like

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

i love you guys!

it's a happy birthday indeed
thanks to my cousin
my lovely friends
and those who greeted me
hold on a second
why does it sound like an award speech?!
let's start all over again!

every single living thing who greeted me!
especially peong, sze, steph, and jennie of course!
thanks for singing bday song for me
i am touched sia!
owe you all kisses~!!
at least this time i would never say it's ugly

going KL in 2 weeks time!
looking forward to it!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

another drowsy morning

another drowsy morning
thanks to miss debby
last night
i just wanted to walk around, back home early
and sleep earlier
who knows
i suggested to go redbox unintentionally
then she insisted...
we sang until 1.3o sia
(=, = ) ZZzz...



Friday, October 30, 2009


feel like relying on someone
this feeling comes in a sudden
am i just too tired perhaps?
who knows?
i don't really know it myself
i do admit
i am kind of dependent
i am just too weary to move on
trying hard to settle down
i am enjoying my single life
it's contradicting i know

advices needed

i don't deserve it
please don't treat me this well
you know nothing about me
so just leave me alone

i'm still alive but barely breathing...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

sleepless nights

holy shit
not sleeping well these days
2 days before
skipped one night of sleeping
and day after
slept at 1
last night went clubbing
actually i don't remember i reached home at what time
around 3 i guess
super tired right now
but still need to work
some more
tonight still got another party in cabana
think i am gonna die of tiredness...

met few old friends last night
had few mugs with em'


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hwashin 화신 [花信]

she once practiced this song...
for me

does she still remember?

although she never played the whole song
i guess it just ended halfway just like us

questioning myself

i ask myself
why? how?
but i just couldn't get any answer
and i am curious indeed

just let it go~

Saturday, October 24, 2009


last night watched rebellion after dinner
with miss debby
we met steph and her friends before watching!
she's still the same

about that movie
eh come on
police so smart de meh?

sorry la miss debby
next week kay

Thursday, October 22, 2009

my buddy, sze

Last night went clubbing
ended up today slept overhead
it was a total bull poo poo

had dinner with my buddy, sze
then went to her house for chit-chating
we talked for very long lo
long time neva see ma
and i do miss everyone of you
my friends!
come back!

oh ya
yesterday was too busy to blog
miss debby
sorry for spreading my virus to you
as for the compensation,
a week of mcdonald.....
and what else you want.....?
(=, =")

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

awhile ago

good news!
recovered 80%
just bought my new phone!
awhile ago
nokia 5530
it's in black and a red stripe
looks as handsome as its owner

had supper with mr. desmond
he's going mcdonald afterwards
so sad he can't tahan

nasal sound

oh well
recovered 50%
was having fever last night
i slept at 8!
and right now
i got a heavy nasal sound

am i look so different
when i am with specs or without?

Monday, October 19, 2009

sick la

i am sick
keep coughing and sneezing
sore throat some more
decided to turn in early this week
had medicine
and it makes me feel soooo sleepy
i am sucha good employee
still came to work
should increase my pay la boss

last night
watched pendorum that i wanted to watch for so long!
with miss debby
she didn't even know pendorum is this sort of disgusting movie
with killing, flesh eating and yucks-looked freaks
so she was actually watching her palms most of the time
lots of frightening scenes
i swear i didn't laugh at her frightened face lo
but it's a happy ending movie after all

Sunday, October 18, 2009


my sore throat is getting worse...

had a eating day with miss debby
and today,
i can't watch my pendorum still!
couldn't stand it!

thanks miss debby for accompanying me
till 2 a.m.
to wait for my stupid dad
and the most unbearable,
he went home alone without giving me a call!

i was emo by the way
for no reason
went somewhere memorable perhaps

i admit,
i purposely not to make the call

Friday, October 16, 2009

my pet - happy

my tarantula has just molted!
it is becoming more and more pretty
hee hee


sore throat
darn it!


just came back from a movie with miss debby
thanks for the jacket!
we watched cloudy with a chance of meatballs
an animation about food, science and dangeometer
it's funny, touchy and meaningful
worth a watch!
i think i saw

miss debby weeping tears in the touchy part

but she denied and excused she was sneezing
and i just don't believe

hee hee
by the way
our movie ticket discounted by 50%
know why?
because she picked up a RM10 note!
but thanks to me
because i am her lucky star!
oh ya
went carrefour mcdonald before our movie!
had spicy chicken mcdeluxe
long feeling of fullness still...

alrighy then
gonna sleep
it's 2 a.m. already
and i never sleep well these days
am so so sleepy!

forgot to mention
leaflet of this movie
got lots of food on it
it will leave smells of different foods on your finger when you rub it
even the stinky sardin smell!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

bed, i need you

sleeping in my office
should have brought my pillow

last night went cabana with bros
was way too crowded
and we were just sitting outside
then we headed debali instead
went upstairs for some pool games after beer session
still remembered clearly
reached home at around 3 last night
right now at this moment
i am missing my bed so much

not enough sleep for the passed few days
thought tomorrow is public holiday
but unfortunately, it's not

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

hate it

i hate lifts
especially those in monash u


one of my bro has just came back from malacca
we went skudai parade to fetch him
and we had supper together
we chatted about pokemon
damn lame

a friend of mine has promised
will make some blueberry cupcakes for me on my birthday
hope you won't forget
hee hee

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


reached home around 4 last night
thanks to my bros
had some guys' talk after our supper
until so late
i went to bed straight away once i got home
was freaking sleepy
keep yawning right now

Monday, October 12, 2009


i just reached home with a new hair style
and i am HUNGRY

heck care

choose digi la
like i care

Sunday, October 11, 2009


feel like going for a hair cut but don't feel like moving


slept at 8 in the morning
and just woke up by now
whole family went out
without preparing food for me
and now it's already late afternoon

a new begining

started another new blog
once again
sorry bout it
and bear with it
feel like blogging after all
might get bored someday like before
hope will last longer this time
still awake at this hour
can tell how energetic i am right now
maybe slept too much
last morning
woke up at 11 and slept back around 1
thanks to the hypnosis of
boring dramas
mom shake me up at 3 and it was hot

early night
got no idea why i was so hungry
had dinner with miss debby
in senze
portuguese chicken rice as usual
and a bubble tea afterward
then headed supper straight away with bros

had another nasi goreng kampung
most importantly
i wasn't full yet
felt like having another bubble tea
i wondered
am i really having a real big stomach
or it is my receptor's problem
that's why can't feel anything even if it's packed with a whole cow
whatever it is
i am still that skinny
wanna gain more muscles!

hair is so damn long
gonna chop em' off soon
hell lots ppl disliking it
so do myself

someone good in arcade
king of fighters
those moves
really impressed me